Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve


Performance Tables & Results

We are pleased to be able to share with you the following information about children's attainment and progress at the end of statutory assessment points. Due to the Coronavirus there was no statutory assessment in 2020 or 2021. Statutory assessment restarted in 2022. Many of these tables provide a comparison with 2018/19 academic year data. 

EYFS - Reception

Good Level of Development %
2021/22 2022/23
Little Hoole Primary School 78% 46%
Lancashire 2021/22 62% 65%
England 2021/22 65% 67%


Year 1 Phonics

Meeting the Expected Standard % 2018/19 Meeting the Expected Standard% 2021/22 Meeting the Expected Standard% 2022/23
Little Hoole 83% 74% 96%
Lancashire 81% 74% 77%
England 82% 75% 79%


End of Key Stage 1 Assessment (Year 2)


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard


Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 83% 35% 90% 14% 63% 10% 
Lancashire 74% 22% 64% 15% 67% 17% 
England 75% 25% 67% 18% 68% 17% 



Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard



Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 76% 7% 79% 3% 23%          0% 
Lancashire 68% 14% 55% 7% 60% 8% 
England 70% 15% 57% 8% 60%  8% 



Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2021/22

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 79% 28% 86% 10% 83%  10% 
Lancashire 74% 20% 65% 13% 70%

England 76% 22% 68% 15% 70%  16% 


Reading/Writing/Maths Combined

Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2021/22

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 72% 7% 76% 3% 20% 0%
Lancashire 63% 10% 50% 5% 55% 5%
England 65% 11% 53% 6% 56% 6%


End of Key Stage 2 Assessment (Year 6)


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard


Working the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 76% 36% 66% 21% 90% 33% 
Lancashire 73% 25% 74% 26% 72% 27% 
England 74% 27% 74% 28% 73% 27% 



Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard



Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 76% 20% 72% 7% 80% 3% 
Lancashire 78% 20% 68% 13% 71% 14% 
England 79% 20% 70% 13% 71% 13% 


Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard



Working at the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 96% 64% 76% 45% 96% 64%
Lancashire 78% 33% 72% 25% 72% 27%
England 79% 36% 72% 28% 72% 27%



Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2021/22

Working the Higher Standard


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 92% 56% 66% 35% 90% 37%
Lancashire 79% 24% 69% 20% 73% 21%
England 80% 27% 71% 22% 73% 24%


Reading/Writing/Maths Combined

Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2018/19

Working at the Higher Standard/Greater Depth


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2021/22

Working at the Higher Standard/Greater Depth


Meeting at least the Expected Standard 2022/23

Working at a Greater Depth within the Standard


Little Hoole 68% 12% 59% 7% 77% 0%
Lancashire 64% 10% 56% 7% 58% 8%
England 65% 11% 58% 7% 59% 8%


Average Scaled Score

Reading Maths GPS
2018/19 2021/22 2022/23 2018/19 2021/22 2022/23 2018/19 2021/22 2022/23
Little Hoole 106.1 102.7 107.7 108.2 104.9 106.9 110.8 107.6 107.5
Lancashire 103.9 104.4 104.6 104.7 103.3 103.9 105.8 104.5 104.5
England 104.5 104.8 105 105.1 103.8 104 106.4 105 105


Progress Measure from the end of Key Stage 1 to the end of Key Stage 2

2018/19 2021/22 2022/23
Reading -0.6 -2.7 3.80
Writing -1.8 -2.4 0.83
Maths 1.4 0.6 4.05


We have kept the link for the end of key stage results for 2019 and you can also look at our school data and compare it to other schools using the DfE link below. We are delighted by the hard work and effort that all of our children, staff and families put in to help children achieve their very best. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information about these results. 

End of Key Stage Statutory Results 2018/19

For more information visit the Department for Education website