Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

Lancashire Music Service Lessons

We are delighted by the number of children in our school who are keen to learn a musical instrument. We are fortunate that we are supported by Lancashire Music Service who provide the excellent music tuition for us and we have a long history of working well with them. Children in our school typically learn guitar and keyboard, although we children have been known to learn brass instruments too. If your child is interested in learning another instrument, this may also be something that Lancashire Music Service can provide for you too. Music tuition is something that is charged. Details of the payment scheme can be found by clicking the link below. 


Lancashire Music Service Instrumental & Vocal Tuition Guide 2022/23