Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

Sports Premium

The Impact of


2021 F'ballAt Little Hoole Primary School, we believe that Physical Education and Sport have a vital role to play in the social, moral, spiritual, cultural development of our pupils which enable our children to Believe, Grow and Achieve. P.E is vitally important in giving pupils the knowledge, understanding and the skills to make a positive impact on their own health and well-being.


The Sports Premium is funding given to every maintained school in the country by the Government in addition to the school’s budget. Schools are free to decide how to allocate this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. Links have been made with local clubs and activities planned for the children to ensure that they stay fit and healthy, especially for those who wouldn’t normally engage with PE and Sport.


Little Hoole Primary prides itself on enabling children to represent the school by taking part in a variety of sports festivals and competitions largely through the local South Ribble Sports Partnership. We have had much success over the years, taking part in competitions such as Sportshall athletics, tennis, hockey, tag rugby, football including mixed and girls football, high 5s netball, swimming and cross country.


The numbers of children participating in our after school sports clubs and those then going forward to represent the school has been pleasing over the last 5 years. We have received the Sainsbury’s PE Awards each year and have been successful by winning a number of local competitions in a range of sports.


Typically, Little Hoole prides itself on enabling children to take part in sports competitions including Football, Tag Rugby, Sportshall Athletics, High 5s Netball, Hockey, Girls Football and Swimming. We also take part in Inclusion events which enable children who are less likely to take part in sport and children from Key Stage 1 to represent our school by taking part in activities with other children from other schools.

School Sports Strategic Plan and Spending 2022 - 2025

How we have used Sports Premium Money


T TrailIn 2020 the school improved facilities to our school field by adding a trim trail and exercise equipment area. Both areas are on all weather surfaces which enable the children to access them throughout the year. Some Sports Premium money from the 2020-21 budget and the 2021-22 budget has been used to pay for these improvements.


We have also developed a sensory garden area intended to help support people's mental health. This is in addition to our running path which was installed five years ago. These improvements will further enhance our ability to deliver our daily 60 active minutes. 


Further to the schedule above in addition to our quality PE curriculum we provided the following:

  • Bikeability – Year 5 cycling proficiency
  • Tots on Tyres – Rec early cycling proficiency
  • Scoot Safe - Year 3 Scooter Road Safety



School Field and Path & Young Leaders Training

The money for the improvements to our school field are already enabling children to achieve a ‘Daily Active 60’ target in which we aim that every child in the school is physically active for at least 60minutes every day, including break times. Children are enjoying having the extra opportunities to exercise and love using the equipment that we have installed.


Children in Years 5 and/or 6 have been trained by South Ribble Active to become ‘Young Leaders’ helping to raise the profile of our Daily Active 60 target across the whole school and developed children’s understanding.


Sports Coaching

We use sports coaching in a variety of sports from tag rugby, tennis, hockey and dance will be taking place after school to different ages of children. These are a bought in service using the Sports Premium. We aim for these to be offered to children across different year groups throughout the school


Active Travel

Sports Premium money is used to deliver 'Tots on Tyres' for children in Reception. This is an activity led by the South Ribble Active team. It has been something we have used for the last 5 years and it supports the children as the learn to ride a bike moving from balance to pedal bikes. It supports their Physical Development amongst many other areas of the EYFS curriculum. 

Yr 3 children take part in 'Scoot Safe' to further develop their road safe skills. Yr 5 take part in Bikeability which introduces them to riding safely on their bikes including on the roads.


Active Events & Festivals

We buy into South Ribble Sports Active to deliver sports events and festivals. Children take part in 6 termly Active Schools Events in a range of sports including: Tag Rugby, athletics, High 5s and Dance.


In addition to this children have also participated in a Paralympic festival which introduced them to a range of different sports on the Paralympic programme.




Staff Training

The PE Subject Leader will attend subject leader updates for their own professional development. 

Expectations for Swimming

It is our intention to take Yr 3 children swimming for at least one term (Aut term). Depending on how well they progress we aim to take use the Sports Premium to enable children who are not able to swim 25m or have low levels of confidence in the water improve by taking them for Booster Swimming sessions for at least one term. This is to ensure all children are able to swim by the time they leave our school at the end of Yr 6 or at the very least become more water confident.

We were delighted to be awarded the Bronze School Games mark as a result of our work in 2022/23.