Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

 Our Vision & Aims


At Little Hoole Primary School we are...

'Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve'

Our School Vision


We Believe that every child should be given the chance to Grow, learning from a broad and balanced curriculum and having access to wider experiences and opportunities. Little Hoole is a school where everyone is treated fairly, is a safe and happy place to learn and work, ensuring that every child Achieves their very best.


Our School Aims


  • Children will feel valued as unique individuals.
  • Children will find learning enjoyable and often fascinating – they will be positive learners.
  • Children will be confident and resilient in both their learning and wider relationships. 


  • Develop a positive sense of self, becoming respectful and responsible citizens who are prepared for life in a diverse and modern Britain.
  • Have opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch their talents and interests. 
  • Learn how to be safe, secure & healthy showing excellent behaviour and attitudes to learning, knowing how to make the right choices


  • Children will receive great teaching. They will feel supported and challenged. 
  • Children will make excellent progress as a result of the school’s curriculum which is carefully and skilfully planned, thoroughly delivered and regularly reviewed and improved.  
  • Children will grow in self-esteem as they realise their potential