Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

School Staff

These are the people who Enable All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

STAFF 2024-25

 HEADTEACHER –  Mr D. Stammers


Special Education Needs Co-ordinator - Mrs R. Hyde

Milestone 3

Year 6 - Goldcrests

 Mrs. Scott

Year 5 - Nightingales

Mrs.  Hulme

Milestone 2

Year 4 - Ospreys

Mrs. Stammers

Year 3 - Chaffinches

  Mrs. Calderbank

Milestone 1 

Year 2 - Herons

Mrs. Doran

Year 1 - Starlings

Mrs.  Connelly (Mon -Wed)  Mrs. Jones ( Thursday & Friday)

Foundation (Year R) - Kestrels

 Miss. Doran

Teaching Assistants (TAs) 

Mrs. Barton

Miss. Clarke

Mrs. Hesketh

Mrs. Holdsworth

Mrs. Kenyon

Mrs. Lockley

Miss. Mayor

Mrs. Scott

Mrs. Wright


School Business Manager

Mrs. Turner

Admin Officer/ELSA

Mrs. Kenyon


Site Supervisor

Mr. Nellany


School Cleaner

Mrs. Houghton