Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

School Staff

These are the people who Enable All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

STAFF 2023-24

 HEADTEACHER –  Mr D. Stammers


Special Education Needs Co-ordinator - Mrs R. Hyde

Milestone 3

Year 6 - Cuckoos

 Mrs. Doran

Year 5 - Goldcrests

Mrs.  Hulme

Milestone 2

Year 4 - Nightingales

Mr. Hutton

Year 3 - Ospreys

  Mr. Chapman

Milestone 1 

Year 2 - Chaffinches

Mrs. Calderbank

Year 1 - Herons

Mrs.  Connelly (Mon -Wed)  Mrs. Hyde ( Thursday & Friday)

Foundation (Year R) - Starlings

 Mrs. Scott (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) Mrs.  Frankel (Wednesday)

Teaching Assistants (TAs) 

Mrs. Hesketh

Mrs. Holdsworth

Mrs. Hutton

Mrs. Kenyon

Mrs. Lockley

Miss. Mayor

Mrs. Wright


School Business Manager

Mrs. Mercer

Admin Officer/ELSA

Mrs. Kenyon


Site Supervisor

Mr. Nellany


School Cleaner

Mrs. Houghton