Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Believe, Grow, Achieve

Art & Design

Our Art Champion: Mrs. Connelly

At Little Hoole Primary School, we strive to create an Art and Design curriculum that engages and inspires children to express their individual creativity and to produce their own works of art. Creativity is encouraged from the very beginning of our children’s school experience. Within EYFS, children are immersed in art in a child-initiated way, through Expressive Arts and Design. Across Years 1 to 6, children are provided with opportunities to experience a variety of media and techniques and are educated upon influential artists and craft makers from around the world, both past and present. Within Key Stage 2, our Art curriculum aims to equip children with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices, think critically of their own artwork and that of others, and to work with increased independence. 


We follow the Kapow Art and Design scheme of work which fulfils the statutory requirements outlined in the National Curriculum (2014). The National Curriculum for Art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:  

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences  
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques  
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design 
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms. 

From these aims, four core strands were identified which run through the scheme. These are: 

  • Drawing 

Exploring mark-making in all its forms, experimenting with line, tone and texture and using a wide range of materials to express ideas as drawings. Using sketchbooks to record observations about the world as drawings. Learning how drawing is used by artists to develop and communicate their ideas creatively. 

  • Painting and mixed media 

Developing proficiency in painting techniques (including exploring colour mixing), painting on a range of surfaces and applying drawing skills to painting projects. Using sketchbooks to practise painting methods and exploring between different media within a piece of artwork. 

  • Sculpture and 3D 

Constructing and creating models with a wide variety of materials, investigating ways to express ideas in three dimensions. Developing the ability to adapt ideas and designs in sketchbooks, moving from two dimensions into sculpture.  

  • Craft and design 

Producing a wide range of creative work, becoming proficient in a range of making processes. Building on skills in photography, printmaking, textile art and digital media, and exploring design disciplines such as architecture and product design. 


Within these strands, concepts are revisited and reinforced throughout, building a secure knowledge as the unit develops. The scheme sequential learning helps us to ensure there is expected progression in Art and Design across our school. We pride ourselves on providing learning opportunities that are accessible and ambitious for all learners, enabling all children to make progress and have a sense of achievement. We achieve this through sequential planning, allowing skills to be scaffolded and extended as appropriate. We also create an ethos of not being afraid to make ‘mistakes,’ but instead, for children to be risk-takers, problem solvers and to develop resilience. We use knowledge organisers to introduce and reinforce key vocabulary and act as a prompt for use in learning. 


Our Art Curriculum Overview 

Reception- Our curriculum is based on an active learning approach that allows children to explore and develop their skills through continuous provision. 

Early Learning Goals:

  • Expressive Art and Design - Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
  • Expressive Art and Design - Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology
  • Expressive Art and Design - Children share their creations, explaining the process they have used
  • Physical Development - Children handle equipment and tools effectively

Children will cover all of the following aspects either through direct teaching or through opportunities provided through continuous provision:

  • Drawing Marvellous Marks 

    Painting and Mixed Media: Paint My World 

    Sculpture and 3D: Creation Stations 

    Craft and Design: Let’s Get Crafty 

    Seasonal Crafts 

Autumn Spring Summer
Year 1

Drawing: Make your mark

Exploring mark making and line; working and experimenting with different materials through observational and collaborative pieces.

Painting and mixed media: Colour splash

Exploring colour mixing through paint play, using a range of tools to paint on different surfaces and creating paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.

Sculpture and 3D: Paper play

Creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials, children develop skills in manipulating paper and card. They fold, roll and scrunch materials to make their own sculptures.

Year 2

Drawing: Tell a story

Using storybook illustration as a stimulus, children develop their mark-making to explore a wider range of tools and experiment with creating texture to add detail to drawings.

Painting and mixed media: Life in colour

Developing colour mixing skills, learning about the work of artist Romare Bearden and creating textured papers using paint, children compose collages inspired by their exploration of colour and texture in the world around them.

Craft and design: Woven wonders

Learning fibre art skills such as plaiting, threading, knotting and weaving to create three-dimensional woven artworks inspired by artist Cecilia Vicuña.
Year 3

Drawing: Growing artists

Developing an understanding of shading and drawing techniques to create botanical inspired drawings.

Painting and mixed media: Prehistoric painting

Discovering how and why our ancient ancestors made art, experimenting with natural materials to make homemade paints and playing with scale to paint on a range of surfaces.

Sculpture and 3D: Abstract shape and space

Exploring how shapes and negative spaces can be represented by three dimensional forms. Manipulating a range of materials, children learn ways to join and create free-standing structures inspired by the work of Anthony Caro.

Year 4

Drawing: Power prints

Using mechanical engravings as a starting point, pupils develop an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing and combine media for effect when developing a drawing into a print.

Painting and mixed media: Light and dark

Developing skills in colour mixing, focussing on using tints and shades to create a 3D effect. Experimenting with composition and applying painting techniques to a personal still life piece.

Craft and design: Fabric of nature

Using the flora and fauna of tropical rainforests as a starting point, children develop drawings through experimentation and textile-based techniques to design a repeating pattern suitable for fabric.

Year 5

Drawing: I need space

Exploring the purpose and impact of images from the ‘Space race’ era of the 1950s and 60s; developing independence and decision-making using open-ended and experimental processes; combining drawing and collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image.

Painting and mixed media: Portraits

Investigating self-portraits by a range of artists, children use photographs of themselves as a starting point for developing their own unique self-portraits in mixed-media.

Craft and design: Architecture

Investigating the built environment through drawing and printmaking, learning about the work of architect Zaha Hadid, creatively presenting research on artist Hundertwasser and exploring the symbolism of monument design.
Year 6

Drawing: Make my voice heard

From the Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, children look at how artists convey a message. Exploring imagery, symbols, expressive mark making, and ‘chiaroscuro’ children consider audience and impact to create powerful drawings to make their voices heard.

Painting and mixed media: Artist study

Exploring a selection of paintings through art appreciation activities. Collecting ideas in sketchbooks and planning for a final piece after researching the life, techniques and artistic intentions of an artist that interests them.

Sculpture and 3D: Making memories

Creating a personal memory box using a collection of found objects and hand-sculptured forms, reflecting primary school life with symbolic and personal meaning.



Art and Design should be taught as per the year overview. Teachers have the flexibility of how to teach the unit although it is recommended that they are taught over consecutive weeks. Lessons are approximately 1 hour.  


The impact of the Kapow Art and Design scheme of work will be monitored through regular Subject Leader time throughout the year. This will include analysing teacher’s termly evaluations, pupil discussion and the sharing of art work in sketch books. Within art lessons, teachers will use formative assessment throughout the learning process, through conversations with children. Progress will also be demonstrated through the use of sketchbooks to record ideas, reflections, analysis of artists and development of technical skills.  Within EYFS, teachers will use the assessment outcomes for Expressive Arts and Design: ‘Exploring and Using Media and Materials’ and ‘Being Imaginative’.

Opportunities for Trips and Field Work to Enhance Learning

Children have an opportunity to create art work throughout the year beyond the art curriculum. This may include working with PTA, to design and produce Christmas cards, wrapping paper, gift tags, etc and significant cultural experience eg Remembrance, promoting school production. By providing opportunities to enjoy practical art and design, and craft activities at home, visiting art museums and looking at and appreciating art all around us in our towns and cities, and countryside and seaside. For further information, please see the National Curriculum for Art and Design.


Yr 3 - Stone Age Art

Yr 4 - Art & Design Skills - Food

Yr 5 - Art & Design Skills

Yr 6 - Make Your Voice Heard

Yr 6 - Art & Design Skills