Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Believe, Grow, Achieve



Our PSHE Champion is: Mrs. Frankel

PSHE plays a significant part in our day to day running of our school. We use PSHE to help us embed our three school rules of: Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe. Every year group studies the same unit at the same time which allows for whole school themes to be shared and celebrated across the school including through our assemblies. Year groups are taught one lesson per week, in an age- and stage-appropriate way to meet the children’s needs. The units cover a wide range of topics and build on prior learning and experiences. They also include 'Growing & Changing' which incorporates the Sexual Relationships Education statutory elements of the curriculum. 

To further enrich the curriculum we welcome the 'Life Education Bus' each year to help us cover some of the units. The children love exploring the different themes and this helps them meet our 'Ten Feet Tall' vision by making children 'feel positive about themselves,' 'feeling safe and secure,' and 'having friends and people around them who like, trust and respect them.'

The values and learning from PSHE don't just take place in once a week lessons, our monitoring has shown that it is embedded across different subjects in the curriculum, its themes are used in our assemblies and it is based on our overall school vision. 

Relevant Documents, Forms and Surveys

How do we Teach PSHE Policy Document

RSE Policy

RSE Whole School Overview

Year Group Aut 1 Aut 2 Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2
Years Rec-Yr 6

Me and My Relationships

Includes feelings/emotions/conflict resolution/friendships

Valuing Difference

Includes British Values focus

Keeping Myself Safe

Includes aspects of Relationships Education

Rights and Responsibilities

Includes money/living in the wider world/environment

Growing and Changing

Includes RSE-related issues


Being My Best

Includes keeping healthy/Growth Mindset/goal setting/achievement 

Year 5

(Debt Awareness)


  • Identification of wants and needs
  • Understanding that spending too much on wants can lead to money problems
  • An awareness of what debt means and that there can be good and bad debt


  • Understanding what a budget is
  • To be aware of the different types of budget
  • To be able to plan a budget
  • To be aware to save for emergencies

Methods of Payment and Savings

  • To be aware of the purpose of banks
  • To understand the need to have savings and what interest means
  • To know about the different ways to pay for goods and services
  • To know how to read a bank statement

Year 6

(Debt Awareness)


  • Why people borrow?
  • How people borrow?
  • Interest rates and borrowing
  • Good and bad borrowing
  • To be aware of the terms appreciation and depreciation and why items rise and fall in value
  • Awareness of mortgages and interest rates

World of Work

  • The different levels of payment for different occupations
  • To become aware of planning ahead
  • To understand income tax and why we have it
  • To understand issues such as living wage and universal credit
  • To know why people are interviewed for positions and how they should interview

Enterprise - Financial Risk

  • An understanding as to what enterprise means
  • To know the types of qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur
  • Study of a successful entrepreneur