Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Believe, Grow, Achieve



Our Science Subject Champion: Mrs. Hulme

How Do We Teach Science Document

Using the National Curriculum for Science and the excellent Association for Science Education, our Curriculum ensures that children can develop their scientific knowledge and understanding. We encourage a 'hands on' approach to science wherever possible including providing plenty of opportunities for children to increase their ability at 'Working Scientifically.' We are blessed with excellent grounds, including a large field, pond area and growing beds which enable children to grow and learn amongst the many seasonal changes all around them. We often make good use of areas near to us, including the Brickcroft and Martin Mere Nature reserves to further enhance learning and regularly welcome visitors such as 'Mad Science' in to deliver workshops and after school activities.  

Our Overview

Year Group Aut 1 Aut 2  Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2

In Reception the curriculum is based on an active learning approach that allows children to explore and develop their skills through continuous provision. 

Early Learning Goals: 

  • The Natural World - Children will explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants;
  • The Natural World - Children will know some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class;
  • The Natural World - Children will understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.

Across the course of the year some of the many topics the children will meet the above ELGs are:

  • Seasonal Changes (Observations and Investigations)
  • Grouping & Classifying
  • Mini Beasts
  • Plants
  • Our Bodies
  • Changes - including baking
  • Life Cycle
Year 1 Animals Including Humans – Animals and their structure Plants Everyday Materials
Seasonal Changes (Observations, Investigations, Research)
Year 2 Animals including Humans – What humans need to survive Plants Living Things and their Habitats Everyday Materials
Year 3 Animals Including Humans – Health & Nutrition Animals Including Humans – Skeletons and Movement Rocks Forces & Magnets Light Plants
Year 4 Electricity Animals Including Humans – Teeth/ Digestive system Sound States of Matter Living Things and their Habitats
Year 5 Properties and Changes in Materials Earth & Space Forces & Magnets

Living Things and Their Habitats – Life cycles inc reproduction

Inc Life Education Bus Visit (RSE Link)

Animals Including Humans – Changes as Humans develop to old age
Year 6 Evolution & Inheritance Animals Including Humans – Health inc the Circulatory system Light Living Things and Their Habitats - Classification Electricity

Class Time allocated to subject

We anticipate classes spending approximately one hour per week in KS1 and approximately 90 minutes at KS2. This is dependent on the size of the topic and may be blocked into consecutive lessons.

What does learning look like?

  • Children’s learning is recorded in Science topic books, class scrap books, on Class Dojo, photographs and teachers notes.
  • Infant classes have specific ongoing skills that need to be looked at over time. The learning for these may be more appropriately kept in a class scrap book or continuous topic books.
  • All classes start each unit of learning with a Unit cover sheet. This outlines any prior learning and the key learning required for the unit. Teachers use the PLAN resources and other materials to deliver this key learning.
  • Working Scientifically Key Learning is taught alongside each unit where appropriate and is also listed on the cover sheets.
  • Vocabulary is listed on the cover sheets and is often displayed in classrooms to encourage the children to use it when talking about their science learning in weekly lessons.

How do we monitor and ensure your child is making progress

Subject leader time enables the subject leader and the senior leadership team to evaluate pupils learning through learning walks, pupil discussion, book scrutinies and professional discussion with staff. Staff also complete half-termly evaluation sheets to highlight areas of celebration and areas for further development.

Any Specific resources/equipment required

Specific science resources are kept in the DT room and also in topic boxes in individual classrooms.

Opportunities for trips and field work to enhance learning

There are many opportunities for enhanced science learning including: Mad science assemblies, visits to secondary schools for sample lessons and class trips such as pond dipping at Meresands Wood.


Yr 1

Seasonal Changes

Yr 3

Animals including Humans - Skeletons 

Pushes & Pulls

Science Friction

Reflective Materials 

Rocks - Sorting Permeability


Year 4 - Sound

Year 4 - Insulators and Conductors